Florence Sèdes is a Professor of Computer Science at the University Toulouse III Paul Sabatier, in the research area of data science. She has been active in database and information system research since her PhD in 1987. She have published over one hundred papers, books and book chapters since 2000 and advised more than 30 PhD. She heads her team in the IRIT lab (UMR CNRS 5505). She has been leading international, European and national projects on personal (meta) data privacy and management, CCTV and forensic, IoT and security, geospatial and indoor/outdoor data, and social networks, with applications via deep/machine learning for alert, spam and rumors detection, social emotion and interaction, etc. Her research interests include modelling, developing, evaluating, and characterizing (big) data systems and techniques from both problem-driven and technique-driven perspectives. She has been heavily involved in designing data sets and platforms in order to enable assessment of the various contributions, software and systems of our community. Prof. Sedes heads the french IFIP (International Federation for Information Processing) committee. She founded the « femmes & Informatique » initiative of the French Informatics Society, and the WIE French chapter of IEEE. She has been nominated to the National Council of Universities by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research.